Robert Walters Capability Statement - Australia - Flipbook - Page 9
Payroll only
Save time, money and resources
with our end-to-end payroll solution
Payrolling employees can be complicated, costly and timeconsuming when you do it alone or partner with multiple
vendors. By utilising our tailored payroll solutions, we o昀昀er a
highly comprehensive payroll service which can reduce the
administrative costs and 昀椀nancial risk to your organisation.
We take care of behind-the-scenes, allowing you the time
and 昀氀exibility to grow and succeed.
We’ll customise a payroll solution for your organisation, tailored
to size, industry, location and operational complexity.
The bene昀椀ts of a true payroll solution:
Risk: We minimise the risk. We thoroughly
vet all candidates including right-to-work
checks, detailed reference checks, and
E昀昀iciency: Our world-class solutions take
care of the admin to save you time and
Con昀椀dence: Our services are thoroughly
ve琀琀ed to comply with AU employment
legislation and international health & safety
standards (e.g. ISO45001, ISO9001).
Continuity: Every contractor paid through
our payroll system has access to Robert
Walters’ exclusive perks and bene昀椀ts to
boost sta昀昀 retention and engagement.
Speed: Contractors complete our simple,
convenient e-timesheets via mobile devices.
Stability: As a large multinational business,
we have the 昀椀nancial muscle to ensure your
contractors are paid on time, every time.
Support: We’ll provide a dedicated
account manager to work with you every
step of the way.
Flexibility: We facilitate whichever
engagement method you prefer
(e.g. PAYG, PTY Ltd, etc.)
Reach: Through us, you can tap into
a network for 20,000+ contractors
Intel: We can assist your resource
planning and purchasing decisions
by analysing your contractor and
temporary workforce data.
Protection: Our cybersecurity
vigilance and testing ensures the
safety of your business data and your
contractors’ data.
Cash昀氀ow: Our 昀氀exible payment terms
help boost your cash 昀氀ow.
Intro | Contents | Services | Permanent | Contractor & temporary | Payroll | Executive | Consulting & SoW | Call centre & ops | Inclusivity audit | ICM | Campaigns | Market intelligence | ESG