Robert Walters Capability Statement - Australia - Flipbook - Page 18
inclusivity audit
Identify bias and barriers in your
hiring process
Your hiring process has likely evolved over time, with new
processes, content and technology added and removed.
Whilst this process may deliver a functional talent acquisition
service and experience, bias is likely to be threaded through
each stage of your process.
Our research indicates that bias is introduced before
candidates even visit your careers page and continues through
selection, assessment, interviewing and onboarding.
Our end-to-end inclusivity audit is the most advanced diverse
hiring audit available, analysing the impact of recruitment
content and processes across seven di昀昀erent lenses.
Unlike many diversity initiatives, our fully remote Inclusivity
Audit focuses on actionable, meaningful change, ensuring
clients are provided with an immediate ‘to do’ list to help
achieve diversity objectives and goals.
Intro | Contents | Services | Permanent | Contractor & temporary | Payroll | Executive | Consulting & SoW | Call centre & ops | Inclusivity audit | ICM | Campaigns | Market intelligence | ESG